Activity-based locomotor training: improving the movement in children with spinal cord injury

Hongbo Zhao, Department of Capital University of Physical Education and Sports; Department of Pediatric Physical Therapy, Beijing Bo ai Hospital, China Rehabilitation Research Center; Beijing, China
Xiangjiang Rong, Department of Capital University of Physical Education and Sports, Beijing, China
Qi Zhang, Department of Pediatric Physical Therapy, Beijing Bo ai Hospital, China Rehabilitation Research Center; School of Rehabilitation Medicine, Capital Medical University. Beijing, China
Tingting Ma, Department of Pediatric Physical Therapy, Beijing Bo ai Hospital, China Rehabilitation Research Center; School of Rehabilitation Medicine, Capital Medical University. Beijing, China
Tiantian Zhou, Department of Pediatric Physical Therapy, Beijing Bo ai Hospital, China Rehabilitation Research Center; School of Rehabilitation Medicine, Capital Medical University. Beijing, China
Yanqing Zhang, Department of Pediatric Physical Therapy, Beijing Bo ai Hospital, China Rehabilitation Research Center; School of Rehabilitation Medicine, Capital Medical University. Beijing, China

Objective: The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of activity-based locomotor training (ABLT) on motor function and walking ability in children with spinal cord injury (SCI). Materials and methods: The Chinese National Knowledge Infrastructure, WanFang, VIP, PubMed, and Web of Science databases were searched for related studies, with two reviewers subsequently evaluating the literature quality using the Cochrane Handbook. Results: A total of 11 studies were eligible, while only one met the ABLT standard program criteria. Overall, ABLT significantly improved the lower limb motor function, increased walking speed and distance, and improved the daily living ability of children with SCI. Conclusions: The ABLT strategy is of great significance to the motor function and walking ability of children with SCI. At present, there exist few studies on the application of ABLT for pediatric SCI. Further control studies with a larger sample size are required to improve the ABLT program guidelines for children with SCI.

Keywords: Activity-based locomotor training. Children. Pediatric spinal cord injury. Walking ability. Motor function.